MBA in Energy and Sustainability

One year fully accredited and internationally recognized program in Energy and Sustainability, designed for career progressive management professional with opportunities to work in design, project management, consultancy, planning and regulatory roles that related to energy and power generation. MBA in Energy and Sustainability program designed for the professionals who are seeking a career in energy and sustainability, such as petrochemical, automotive and aeronautical industries.

Program Overview

Energy and Sustainability refers to the workforce of an organization, company or a business unit. Human Resource Department (HR) is a department which performs all the human resources functions like workforce planning, compensation, employee benefits, recruitment, training and administration. Human Resource Manager is generally responsible for planning recruitment, selection process, inviting applications, evaluating the performance of existing employees, scheduling interviews, talent development, performance appraisal and retention. Human Resource and Organization Psychology (HR and OP)


Specialization Pathway

The innovative program in Energy and Sustainability is designed for the professionals who are seeking a career in energy and sustainability domain or for the professionals intending to master the domain of energy management. The MBA in Energy and Sustainability will cover the modules on energy, energy transition, alternative energy sources, sustainable technologies and economies, balancing and energy storage and legal and regulatory environment of energy business.


Program Delivery:

The dual certification MBA Program at SDIM will be facilitated by renowned faculty with decades of experience in the domain. During the program, the students will be exposed to industry specific case studies, business simulations and extempore. All the students enroll for MBA program will have access to the library of SDIM, Ebrary access with 1000s of journals and books, regular industry leader visits and career fairs

Post completion of the program, the student has an option of attending the university convocation in the campus of UCAM, Murcia, Spain.


About UCAM

Universidad Catolica Of Murcia is a university with excellence based out of Murcia, Spain. Started in the year 1996, UCAM has an active student base of 17,0000 learners and has an academic staff of more than 1000. The MBA program at UCAM, Murcia, Spain is accredited by ANECA and UCAM is a member of ENQA, Universia and EUA. UCAM has a strategic partnership networks of more than 150 universities including UC Berkeley, Stanford, University di Bologna, National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and PUC - Rio Grande do Sul. UCAM centers in Cuba, Jakarta, Singapore and Brussels work together to further develop the university's international strategy.

UCAM has a corporate strategic partnership with industry leaders including Coca Cola, Microsoft, Soft and SAP. Consider as university of sports, UCAM has more than 20 Olympiads as its alumni.

"Practical Experience is the most important aspect, more than just a degree, it helps you gain great experience and gives you the ability to create your own management tools."



UCAM follows assignment based assessment approach and student has to submit an assignment after each module.

All the students interested in joining UCAM - MBA program can get their candidature evaluated by submitting their documents including latest education certificate copy, resume and a passport copy to

UCAM follows a modular/rotational intake and learners can take the admission at the start of each module. For admission support mail your enquiries to
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