
"Heading day to day affairs of a USD 200 million company with 500 employees, along with pursuing an MBA is quite challenging. But the learning journey thus far has been effective and enjoyable."

Alvin korkie

Chief Commerical Officer

MTC Nambia

"Just the right program. I could manage my patients and studies effectively."

Rim Kassem

Emergency Manager

Emirates Specialty Hospital

"The Executive MBA programme is well designed and executed for busy working professionals like me. It has helped me to develop a focussed career plan along with my academic growth."

Ghazal Khan

Product Manager - VIVA

Landmark Group

"Able to combine a full-time job with an MBA"

Michelle Valleria

Controller Finance

AMAG Retail

" I am impressed with the advanced learning management tools which makes learning easier for working executives like me. The professors and mentors have been of great support in ensuring effective and practical applications of knowledge acquired."

Che Fernandez Jalover

Laboratory Technician

Saudi Methacrylate Company

"Time challenge is the least concern in this program , thanks to the state of the art Learning Management System (LMS). Quite flexible and effective learning for busy working professionals like me."

Senthil Nathan


KPMG Singapore

"Ongoing development is of utmost importance in an ever-changing business world. Obtaining my EMBA qualification will enhance my career path and allow me to grow and develop professionally."

Philicia Robinson

Head of operations

African Bank

"Well planned and executed the online interactive sessions. Though the learning model is new for me, I have absorbed it like a fish to the water. The flexible class schedules fit perfectly and I have to bother missing neither my classes nor my consultations and surgeries."

Shalini Balakrishnan

Medical Data Analyst / Content Editor

Manuh Solutions

"It was a tough decision to leave my comfort zone to go back and gain more experience and knowledge, however, I have enjoyed my time pursuing my MBA"

Yves Michel Menon

Associate Trade Analyst


"A personal and professional challenge valued for its flexible schedule allowing me time for family, sport, and career."

Luca Marcosano

Helicopter Pilot

Marina Militare

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
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