I am a Professional, Do I need an MBA? News Event

So, you've asked yourself the hard question: Do I really need an MBA? Let me see if I can help you with that answer…. An MBA is an investment of time and money. Most US MBA programs will cost over $50,000, meaning that you should expect a much higher salary to get a return on your investment (a phrase you will completely understand if you have been through an MBA program). The average salary of an MBA in Europe is over $100,000 per year. Obviously, if you could lower the cost of that MBA investment, you would see a higher ROI. As a professional, you rely on a professional network of people whom you can call upon for advice, assistance, or just sharing thoughts. An MBA program puts you in contact with a network of aspirational degree holders such as yourself. If the MBA program is international, then your new network will extend around the globe, opening professional opportunities on the global, not just domestic, stage. MBA professors have international networks already. Getting to know your professors will not only extend your professional network but will begin relationships that will last your entire career. Having an MBA after your name carries significant credibility when you are providing consulting services, applying for jobs, or seeking promotions. You have proven that you can set difficult objectives, set milestones, and achieve those objectives in the face of any obstacles that may get in your way. Moreover, the broad business content you will learn will be applicable and relevant in many situations, preparing you for just about any eventuality. In other words, an MBA is a professional designation that sets you apart. Now, all you have to do is to find a program that is accessible, affordable, and flexible enough to meet your needs.

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