Dr. Myriam Raymond

Dr. Myriam Raymond

Dr. Myriam Raymond is a Research and Teaching Professor in Information Systems, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Université d’Angers. She started her career as a Management Associate at Citibank, which led to an interest in how organizations use technology to innovate and act in relation to their customer needs and global issues, and ultimately to inspiring and supporting entrepreneurship and innovative in their business processes. Myriam is also a corporate trainer and program designer with many years of experience delivering outstanding training programs serving a wide range of clients, scopes and regions. As an advocate of Corporate Social Responsibility and civic engagement in the Egyptian market, she became the academic advisor of her students at the French University in Egypt. The group of students (ENACTUS) won three times the national universities competition for development projects and twice the ENACTUS World Cup. Myriam holds a PhD from Université de Nantes in Information Systems.As an active member of several academic counsels and workgroups, she is actively involved in curricula development and pedagogy. She fully adheres to innovative learning methodologies. She is an international Faculty Visiting Staff for a number of European universities; and published original research articles for scientific journals. With devotion and passion, she also serves as a consultant on board several foundations and social entrepreneurship projects.

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