Prof. Paul Gulston.

Prof. Paul Gulston.

A supply chain specialist and well known for his high impact and interactive sessions with students. He has had well over 18 years of experience in the area of Supply Chain Management, gaining extensive knowledge in warehousing, strategic procurement, inventory management and freight logistics. A fulltime practitioner for most of his career, the exposure to several market sectors including healthcare, aviation, construction and power generation, has contributed to his part- time teaching profession for the past 11 years in Trinidad and Tobago. Paul has played a key role in the development of the profession in Trinidad and Tobago, both in and out of the classroom, where he worked closely with other experienced professionals in procurement and supply locally. This had led to the creation of a Trinidad and Tobago chapter of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS). Paul held the position of Vice Chair and Treasurer of the Trinidad Branch and became an influential member of the Supply Management Association of Trinidad and Tobago (SMA). He holds an MSc in Procurement from the University of South Wales (UK) and has been MCIPS qualified for the past 11 years. Paul was accepted as one of the guest speakers for Fleming’s 4th Annual Procurement Strategic Summit 2015, held in Dubai. The topic presented was Brexit and its impact on Procurement. Joining the Westford team in 2017, currently, Paul is completing a Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education (HE) from the University of Greenwich (UK).

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